Monday, September 12, 2011

Meet this week's Featured Designer, *Missy's Bits*

Welcome to this week's Designer Spotlight post! This week we'd like you to meet Melissa of *Missy's Bits*! We are super excited about many of our newer Designer's at and wanted you to get to know a little bit about them!

Here's what Melissa had to say:

 "My husband Matt and I have been married for 10 years. We have a 7 year old son and an 8 month old daughter. We live on Florida's Gulf Coast. Matt and I work together at our family's air conditioning company.  I fell in love with scrapbooking after my son was born. The idea was to create a unique baby book for him. That turned into several books and an entire room dedicated to scrapbooking. I stumbled on digital about 4 years ago when I was editing photos. I wondered if I could make an entire page on my computer. I started searching the web and discovered a whole new world of scrapbooking!! I started designing about a year later, and I love it! I still like to get out the paper supplies every now and then and make a mess, but digital is much easier (and cleaner) to do in my spare time.
 And anyone with a baby knows that spare time is hard to find!!"

Melissa is generously giving away her WHOLE *Missy's Bits Shop* at the Design Shop to one lucky winner this week!  Please be sure and post a comment - maybe tell us which Missy's Bits kit is YOUR favorite!  We'll draw one lucky winner and post next week!  Here are just a few of the designs in her shop, make sure you check them ALL out!!  As a SPECIAL BONUS - Melissa has put her WHOLE *Missy's Bit's* Shop on SALE this week!!  So, get on over there and grab some great goodies!! 

Make sure you check out our VERY busy MyMemories Facebook page for all kinds of fun things and help if you get stuck!  We are making so many new friends and we love getting to know *YOU* too!

Good luck and stayed tuned later today for the WINNER'S from last week's StoryRock giveaway!! Posted soon!

UPDATE:  The Winner's from the StoryRock Designer giveaway have been chosen!  Congratulations to CINDY and KIMMIE!! Please send me an email at and I will give you the information you need to claim your prize!!


Jo said...

Kids on the Go! Love it!

Mommyof2girlz/StephD said...

Love the Mint Plum colours!

linda said...

Its so hard to choose! soo..many, but kids on the go would have to be it:)

Riette said...

I love Sweet Serenity but must say that FOR THE BOYS is tugging at my heart strings because I can just see using it for my little boy!

Rachel Williamson DeVaughn said...

Spring Splash looks adorable!!

Unknown said...

I love them all but I would have to say that Kids on the Go is my absolute favorite!

Jessica said...

Love the masks!

GramZ said...

My fav would be Kids On The Go, but they all look yummy.

Laurel said...

Love the Just Plum pack. It's hard to choose.

Heidi Brodman said...

Have to say, my favorite is All American Holiday!

Marguerite said...

I love the masks! That's my new skill right now! Cute kits! :)
Thank you for the giveaway! :)

Jonyce said...

Lots of great stuff to choose from. I think my favorite though would be the Flannel Pj's kit! I love it! The colors are great! :)

Kimmie said...

Your Romance Pack is so sweet! I also love your Thanksgiving one. The color combination is awesome!

Cairn said...

Garden Wimsy and For the Boys look like really fun ones to use.

Anonymous said...

Mint Plum has long been a favourite of mine. And having used it only solidified it's spot in my favourites. :)

Sarah said...

I like "kids on the go". Great giveaway. Thanks.

Sheila817 said...

Just love "Kids on the Go". Thanks for the chance to win!

Melissa said...

I've got the Romance Pack in my wishlist so I'm getting that today. And looking over the rest of her colletion I think I'm adding Mint Plum to my wishlist.

bourriquette said...

thanks for the chance! I love "Garden Whimsy"...
thanks for your help: my english has to be improved, maybe, and then I'll understand everything! lol
kisses from france

Anisah said...

Melissa, your designs are beautiful! Thanks so much for your generosity!!!


Dacia said...

I like her Flutterbies and fun to add a little flair to a photo. Lots of fun stuff!

Deborah said...

I love Giving Thanks, Jake and For the Boys. They are all wonderful and it would be so fabulous to win!

Media Lady said...

Spring Splash gets my vote! I have fond memories of fishing with my dad. It will come in handy when scrapping for my marine biologist daughter. Love it :)

Rebecca said...

LOVE the Jake kit! I've used it lots already!

Anonymous said...

Love the girly Moto Bike kit.


Monica said...

my favorite is All American Holiday!

dutchjo said...

I love your style. My fave right now is All American Holiday. I am working on a Commemorative scrapbook for 9/11 and some of the papers and elements will work really well for that theme.

Anonymous said...

I think Cozy Christmas,Garden Whimsy, and All American Holiday have to be my favorites!! I am still new to the digital scrapbook club and trying to learn new things everyday and love the cozy feel of these kits! Can't wait to try these out!

Gina said...

Kids on the Go is probably my favorite- I just love the colors...but there are a lot i like!

The Litrenta Family said...

I really like Fall Forest & For the Boys.

J@CK$ON *3* said...


Unknown said...

All of them are super cute, but my favorite is the American Holiday!! Awesome giveaway!

G.T. said...

I don't have any of these kits but, having a look here, I think I need some of these. Love masks and there are lots of lovely ones here.

Donna said...

I like the mint plum

stampgram said...

They are all awesome but I love Sweet Neapolitan best!

Sof said...

Girls Ride looks just like my girls!!!!

Loralsaul said...

For the boys, I have 2 and they would look adorable in

MRC said...

Couldn't wait to win 'MintPlum' ;-) and now 'Sweet Neapolitan' is calling! Some lovely possibilities in your line.

Unknown said...

I love the letters for Santa alpha. I have a weakness for fun alphas!

Karen Wilson said...

Oh, they're all beautiful!! I think one that I could really use, since I can't choose ONE favorite, would be Spring Splash since I'm working on a Florida album and I could really use that one!!

Thanks for the chance to win!

Student Entrepreneur said...

I like the Letters for Santa!!

How cute!!

Tryllyam said...

I think "Garden Whimsey" would be my favorite, although there are several that I really liked.

Suzin said...

I like all of the kits, but I have trouble using the masks. Perhaps you could show an example of how they would look in use or give more detailed instructions.

Scrappin' Lori said...

My fav is Sweet Neapolitan.

Florence said...

I love several of the kits...& the details in the designs is great. But I really like the colours in Winter Dreams - I have lots of winter pictures!! Thanks for the chance to win!

Melissa Ruff said...

I love Flannel PJ'S. Although they are all great. Thanks for the chance to win !!!

J Tseng said...

For the Boys is great! We love it!

BetC said...

You are so creative!!! I love your kits and put quite a few in my wish list!! ty for sharing