Header Banner kit: *A Beautiful Morning* from Becky's Creations !!
Meet this week's FEATURED DESIGNER!
It's Becky's Creations!! She has some awesome goodies
in the Design Shop and you can save on all of them this week!
USE PROMO CODE: BCFeatured25 to save 25% off
all of her shop goodies this week!
Here are some FUN things that Becky would like you to know about her!!
A little bit about me
My name is Becky and I live with my wonderful husband, 2 daughters, and my grandson in Texas USA.
I started out designing in 2009 by learning to make Incredimail stationary. I saw so many wonderful scrapkits and decided I really
Wanted to learn about scrapbooking. After a few pointers from a designer friend I started selling my own designs in 2010.
Something most do not know about me is that my girls are 19 years apart. I had pre-cancer at the age of 16 and doctors told me I
Would not be able to have children. My husband and I were married 4 years when our first daughter was born. I had so many
Complications that the doctor told me that not only could I not get pregnant again but it would probably kill us both. We did not try
But we did not try to prevent it either. I put it in Gods hands to know whether I should have another child or not. I never got pregnant,
So I figured maybe the doctors were right. My daughter called me shortly before her 18th birthday and told me she had a dream that I had a baby.
We laughed about it. Shortly after her 18th birthday I got sick with what I thought was a stomach virus. LOL. My second daughter was born in September 2010!
If you ever wonder if God has a since of humor, I am here to tell you YES, YES He does. Life has become hectic, but I would not trade it for the world.
And now I am also a grandma to the most handsome little boy in the world. God is good!!
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