Hello! We are Patty & Diane of Over the Fence Designs.
Neighbors and friends ADB Designs & PattyB Scraps collaborate as Over the Fence Designs.
You will find fun, sweet, romantic products with a slight touch of vintage in our product catalog.
Diane and Patty have design styles that are unique to each of them but that complement each other well, with a similar focus on vintage, heritage and family.
Diane and Patty met through their common love of scrapbooking AND are fortunate to live in the same small town.
Diane and Patty are close friends, hence the design name of “Over the Fence.”
We have a special going on right now, our "Totally About Us" Collection is on sale.
You will find our collection here: https://www.mymemories.com/store/product_search?term=Totally+About+Us+(OvThFnc)
Visit us at -
Our store: https://www.mymemories.com/store/designers/Over_the_Fence_Designs
Facebook Page: https://www.mymemories.com/store/designers/Over_the_Fence_Designs
Blog: https://overthefencedesignsscrapbooking.blogspot.com
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/overthefencedes/boards/
Join us for our challenge in the forum: https://forums.mymemories.com/?forum=389879
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