Hi, again! I’m happy to be posting another series post about journaling and dating your pages. Hope you find a bit of useful info here.
Have you ever created a page with a list on it? I’ve used this page before in this series, but it is a good example of a memory page with a bulleted list. I didn’t want to forget all my grandson’s funny baby words and this page always makes me smile.

Created with Don’t Feed the Bears by WinksArt Graphics
You can use bullets in your fonts or any image as a bullet. Little doodles work well. Even clip art can work if you resize the image to work with your font size. Just type your list and then place your arty png-format bullets at the beginning of each item. (The snowflake is a shape from Photo Shop.)

How about creating a page about yourself; list your likes, dislikes, talents, favorite things, places you’ve visited or lived, etc.
If you’re going to make a bulleted list with a font, you might want to check to make sure your font of choice has a glyph that works as a bullet. Otherwise you’ll have to go to another font that has bullet-type glyphs every time you want one, or copy and paste the one you used. It’s a bit of extra trouble going back and forth between fonts.

Long time ago… I don’t remember who created this fun kit and I don’t look like this anymore! ;D
Create a memory page of a loved one and list things you remember about him/her. Bullets, no bullets, flower bullets, whatever!

Created with A Little Shabby by WinksArt Graphics
List it, Scrappers! It’s quick and fun!
Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays!
Valerie ;D
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