Do you wanna build a snowman?
Hello! I hope everyone finds themselves safe and healthy this week. I am so sorry and embarrassed that I did not send out any activity emails this week. Honestly my house is a bit of a mess, literal and figurative! Instead of doing fun activities with the kids I found myself catching up on laundry, organizing my pantry and rotating items, picking up my room (my room is the hang out place and gets stuff from all of the rooms in the house) and at home schoolwork is keeping us very busy! My hats off to wonderful teachers and home school parents! I will tell you what I have always been very appreciative and supportive of my kids teachers, but this certainly has increased the admiration!!! Also, I find that with everyone home for all three meals I am constantly cooking and cleaning up my cooking messes!
Anywho, I had planned to do different activities this week but nature threw a curveball at those plans. I jinxed myself with the Monday newsletter where I was happily welcoming the signs up spring! I had talked about my flowers popping up and the weather getting warmer. So naturally just like getting your car washed and having it rain on it later in the day, my beautiful flowers are now covered in 4-5" of lovely white snow! So yesterday instead of going around and looking at the new things popping up, my boys and my husband played in the snow. I didn't participate because my one daughter said it was too cold and she gets concerned about being in the house by herself, so I made sure my husband took some photos and I took a couple from my window. So my activity for you is to go outside (if you can). Get some sunshine, fresh air, exercise (even a walk is exercise), and enjoy nature! Whether you have snow, spring flowers, or the in-between where things aren't blossoming but there is no snow on the ground, there is always something interesting to experience when outside. Plus, staying physically active is essential for your health!
I included some photos my family's snow party. The boys had so much fun and were so proud of their snow person! My husband also mentioned that it felt good to go outside and exercise (he was the large snowball roller)! I used Winter Frost Bundle by Magical Scraps Galore to create my pages and have included other kits below that focus on winter/snow.

Other great snow/winter kits @MyMemories
Wanna Help?
This is another activity I want to mention to you in case you have sewing skills. I was inspired to include this information in this email after seeing a newly uploaded product. I immediately contacted the designer and inquired further. After that I did a little research and am finally feeling like I can share it with you! Are you the type of person that has bins of fabric that you are not sure that you would ever use? If so, I have an activity that you could do. I am sure you have heard that face masks are hard to find and highly needed, so how about putting that fabric to use? We have become aware of an organization that I have every reason to believe is legit and they give you the resources that you need to help with making face masks which I will share below.
Now before we get into the specifics I know that face masks are a debatable topic. Are they safer? Don't they make you more susceptible to germs? I am here to tell you that I am not a medical expert, but here is what I have learned. First, you should not get in the mindset that you are wearing a mask so you have nothing to worry about. Still make sure that you are following all of the safety procedures that have been discussed, even with a mask those safety procedures apply to EVERYONE! From everything I have read on face masks the consensus I get is that they are useful if you are sick and they are useful when being a caretaker for someone that is sick. Now with that in mind this organization specifically states that these masks will not be used in the care of COVID-19 patients at the moment. Fabric masks are a crisis response option when other supplies have been exhausted. However after scrolling the lists all sorts of organization have so many different needs.
Alright, so how does one get started? Please view this tutorial from Deaconess Health (located in Evansville, IN) and see what is involved. They say it takes about 20 minutes a mask and you need elastic and 100% cotton fabric. This organization provides you with the video tutorial and one of our designers has created instructions, Face Mask Pandemic 2020, that can be downloaded from the MyMemories store and printed on your home printer. There are patterns/instructions for adults and children available in that download.
So what do you do once you have sewn the masks? If you follow this link you can see a directory of organizations that have requested masks. They encourage you to contact that organization directly to determine their needs and how they would like you to prepare the masks to send to them. The directory is continuously being updated and currently as I am creating this email there are 509 organizations requesting masks.
So get outside and enjoy the day if you can! Once again, stay safe!
Take care,
Carly Allred
MMS Creative Services Director
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