Monday, July 24, 2023

Free Weekly Kit by Featured Designer: Aimee Harrison



Let’s welcome Aimee Harrison as this week’s Featured Designer!

Where do you call home?

Grand Rapids, Michigan is where I live and it's where I grew up. I love it here. But I've also called New York, Las Vegas, Tampa and Portland, Oregon home over the years. I always come back to Grand Rapids, though. 

Do you collect anything?
Yes, I collect antiques that remind me of the fifties and sixties, stuff that my great-grandmother would have used. I love vintage stuff. But I like a touch of the Kitschy feel as well. I especially love everyday household items like dishes, kitchenware, table linens and quilts.

Who is your hero? 
I have to say that it would have to be Martin Luther King Jr. He was a brave, good and honest human being who fought for his rights no matter what the cost. I have admired him all my life and if more people were like him, it would be a better world.

What is your favorite holiday?
It's a toss up between Thanksgiving and Fourth of July. Both days are good for food and family. Thanksgiving has always been a favorite because of how laid back and delicious it is. I loved watching the typical holiday movies each year while vegging out on the sofa after a hearty meal. And Fourth of July because the weather is usually ideal if not a little hot and its always so much fun to spend the day with family, food and fireworks.

What is the most daring thing you’ve ever done?

I moved across the country - alone - from Florida to Oregon on a whim back in 2001. I needed a change and I had an opportunity arise that I could not say no to. I loved Portland. It is my second favorite place next to Grand Rapids. And if I had to live anywhere other than here in Michigan, it would be there.

To finish off we would love to share some of

Aimee Harrison’s favorite layouts:

Layout from Dreamscape

Layout from Just My Speed

Layout from African Safari

Layout from Step Right Up

Spend $20 or more and receive this kit from Aimee Harrison for free!

This week's free kit is Nantucket Page Kit by Aimee Harrison. This homage to Nantucket came about because of the months Aimee spent on the Island in 1993. It was magical and I loved the worn woods and blues, greens and tans that I felt was synonymous with the home I stayed in. I adore the island life on Nantucket and I hope you enjoy this collection! Normally priced at $7.99, the kit includes 32 papers and 85 embellishments.

To make sure that you collect your free kit please follow these steps:

  1. Add $20 (must total $20 before sales tax) of any of our talented designers kits to your cart, but DO NOT add this kit to your cart! Once entered, the promo code will add it to the cart for you!

  2. Enter the promo code July24AIMH (code is case sensitive) in the promo code field on the checkout page.

  3. Code will add this kit to your cart and then you can proceed to checkout as usual.

More from Aimee Harrison:

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