Sunday, July 23, 2023

July 2023 Designer Tip With Connie Prince



Over the next few months I'd love to dive into color theory a bit.  We will be taking a look at the different color families and what they mean.  

This month's color is ORANGE!  Orange is a secondary color, resulting from a mixture of red and yellow.

Orange shares it's name with a fruit and just saying the word makes your mouth water  bit, doesn't it?  Orange is also associated with good health, perhaps because of the healthy Vitamin C that you receive when eating the fruit.

Orange also brings Autumn to mind - bright leaves and pumpkins ready to carve. 

Orange is an eye catching color and used for many caution devices such as traffic cones and signs and emergency vehicle lights.  It demands attention without being quite as bold as red.

Here are a few layouts using different shades of orange.

How will you use orange this month in a layout?  
Share your results in the comments, if you'd like!

Connie Prince

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