Sunday, September 3, 2023

Use-it-All Challenge with Free Mini Kit by Karen Schulz Designs

 It is interesting and inspirational to see how we can all use the same papers and elements, yet create totally different scrapbook pages or projects. That is the thought which prompted this challenge.

With all the recent graduations, I bet some of us are going through the "Empty Nest Syndrome" for the first time. For some of us, this stage of life has already happened, while for others, it hasn't happened yet.

"Empty Nesters" was created to help you tell your stories of your children growing up and leaving the nest, although it is versatile enough for a multitude of page themes. 

This month the "Empty Nesters" Collection" is my Featured Product and I'm also providing a Product Sampler for this month's Use-it-all Challenge. 

Challenge rules are simple, and you'll find them in the Challenge Forum, so I invite you to join in the fun. You'll receive a free Empty Nesters Sampler to work with!

 If you are interested in the Featured pricing of "Empty Nesters" visit my shop, where you will save 60% on the Collection and 30% on the Kit and Extras.

So put on your creative hat and have fun!

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