Sunday, August 11, 2024

See What You Can Do With This Month's Use-it-All Challenge Sampler


Maybe you've read about the Use-it-All Challenge, and you've even thought about joining in the fun. But
you're more likely to sit back and watch than participate. 

Does this sound like you?

Imagine the joy of creating something uniquely yours, using every little piece of digital magic at your disposal.

The Use-it-All Challenge is a great opportunity to explore your creativity and connect with the supportive community here at MyMemories.  Don't worry about perfection - enjoy the journey.

This month you'll receive a Giggles and Grands Sampler to work with. 

For your inspiration, here are some pages already created in this month's challenge.
(Note: If you're wondering why you see more product in the sample pages than are in the Sampler, please see the Challenge rules.)

By Kabra

By Karen D

By Bright Eyes

By Renee

By Spotatoe

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