Friday, September 13, 2024

DYL: CANINE CUTIES with Diane, ADB Designs


Do you, or have you, loved "man's best friend"? Then ADB Designs' Canine Cuties is the collection for you! Scrap your dog, a friend's, or a family member's canine!

The elements are just so sweet - there are lots of doggy things like a bed, dish, food, collar - all the things dogs love and need; as well as ribbons, frames, flowers and foliage. The colors are wonderful: a variety of dog browns and grays with accents of melon, pink, lavender, aqua and green.

#193 Question/Scrapbooking Prompt(s)

  • Create a page about a special canine in your life!

These prompts are ideas to help you get started. I also have a gift for you to help speed your page completion. With this stunning gift (contributed by my amazing Creative Team Member: Renee) you can finish a page quickly. 

Be sure to keep scrolling for information about additional beautiful gifts from this collection!

I hope you find inspiration from the layouts of my awesome Creative Team. Here are their layouts along with the previews from the collection.

I am so pleased when I see layouts created with my collections. I would LOVE to have you share them with me via one or both of my challenge threads in the forum. Check my two forum challenges for more gifts from this collection (and others)! Documenting Your Life Challenge (available today Friday, Sept 13)

The Vintage Romantic Challenge (new each month on the 1st)

I have a gift coming your way via the MyMemories Newsletter. Available in the Wednesday, Sept 25 edition.

If you don't already subscribe: My Memories Newsletter - sign up here. 


There will be THREE more gifts from this collection, and MORE from other collections on my blog during the MyMemories Blogtrain that starts each month on the 16th and runs through the last day of the month.

Here is the link to my Blog and the MyMemories Blogtrain.

Happy Scrapping!
ADB Designs

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